Day #6

Box #51

Jay’s trike transmission parts. At one time this was a nifty invention that could have made a lotta dough. Now it is a box to unpack or store.   th-4

Box #52

Cookbooks. More and more of these. Did I tell you at one time I subscribed to the Cookbook of the Month Club? Well, I have proof.

Box #53

th-5  Bedroom slippers. Nightgowns. Old friends. Well, it seems like it when you’re wearing shoes all the time. Need those comfy slippers. But these in the picture look actually more comfy than mine. Hmm. Maybe time for new ones.

And my bathroom scale. Do I want this? Yes.

Box #54

Martha Stewart Living magazines. Now to show you just how important these have been, you need to visit my daughter’s wonderful new blog at: and read her recipe for the Watermelon Bombe. Wowie. You will love what she did with MSL’s idea.  6a00d8341ef22f53ef016760cef7e5970b-500wi

Box #55

Rags. These are needed, not heavy and unpack able. Yay!

Box #56

Plastic wrap, aluminum foil, baggies. You might even think sometimes I AM organized!

Box #57

Cups. Styrofoam. No need to unpack all. These were purchased years ago for church and now we need them. If we get a kitchen before they run out, we may donate them, because by then I will be so tired of styrofoam.

Box #58

Desk drawer things. Casino cards with their lariats. We have a lot of these. You would think we visit a lot. We don’t. But this picture does not look unlike the number of cards, and variety in this box.  Now that Atlantic City is going bankrupt–which I can understand because we went the once and hated it, maybe some of these cards will become collector’s

Box #59

Dresser top things: perfume. Angels, periscope.

Box #60

th-8   Food. Finally found the mixed pea soup mix. Now I can use the crock pot instead of the rice cooker. But Hubby has given me a BIG table for my cookware, food items and assorted utensils. And, today we got hot water, so I can actually USE things I have to wash.

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